Joplin: How Do I Know My Water Softener Is Working?
Do you think about your water softener a lot? The answer is probably only “yes” if you’ve started noticing hard water build up on your dishes, or on fixtures and other areas around the house. You might also notice a difference in the taste and quality of water coming from your tap, or a gradual change in the water pressure itself — these are all reliable signs that something may be wrong with your water softener.
Here Are Simple Ways to See If Your Home Water Softener Is Working

If you want to be thorough, you can have your water tested to see how hard or soft your water is. If the tests come back with high levels of dissolved minerals even with a water softener in your home, it’s likely time to either service your water softener, or consider replacing it.
Water Softener Maintenance and Upkeep
As a rule, you should have your water softener serviced at least once every year. If you live in an area of the country with especially hard water, you may want to increase your servicing schedule to every six months, as hard minerals wear on softeners and decrease their efficiency over time.
Your service schedule should also vary based on the type of water softener you have. Some softeners require salt as part of the softening process, so replacing the salt in these softeners can (and should) be done on a regular schedule set up according to your household water usage. [pullquote]Your local Culligan can always service your existing softener, or recommend a schedule for you, if you’re the DIY type.[/pullquote]
Water Softeners: Service vs. Replacement
Just like all major appliances, water softeners eventually run into the end of their useful lives. If you’ve been asking yourself, ‘how do I know if my water softener is working properly?’ you may already be on the path to considering whether routine maintenance is enough to keep your softener working the way it needs to.
For example, if you’re having it serviced regularly and still noticing build up from hard water, or noticing it fairly quickly after servicing, that’s a sign the issue may run deeper than a standard service appointment. When your water softener is working harder than it needs to, it can also cost you extra money every month in your utility bills. If your softener isn’t working the way it should, not only does the softener itself requires more energy, so do all the rest of your home’s water-using appliances (dishwasher, hot water heater, washing machines, etc.)
Want to find out for sure if your water softener is working? The easiest way is to call Culligan of Joplin and schedule a complimentary home water test.